In The
Supreme Court of the United States


Decided January 12, 1988
Justice O’Connor, Concurrence


Topic: Judicial Power
Court vote: 8-0

Note: No other Justices joined this opinion.

Citation: 484 U.S. 174
Docket: 86-964
Audio: Listen to this case's oral arguments at Oyez

DISCLAIMER: Only United States Reports are legally valid sources for Supreme Court opinions. The text below is provided for ease of access only. If you need to cite the exact text of this opinion or if you would like to view the opinions of the other Justices in this case, please view the original United States Report at the Library of Congress or Justia. The Sandra Day O'Connor Institute does not in any way represent, warrant, or guarantee that the text below is accurate."


JUSTICE O'CONNOR, concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.

For the reasons expressed by JUSTICE SCALIA in Part I of his opinion in this case, I join all but the first full paragraph of Part II of the Court's opinion and judgment.