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A Tribute to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor from an International Perspective

January 1, 1997


Type: Law review article
Author: Elizabeth F. Defeis
Source: Seton Hall L. Rev.
Citation: 27 Seton Hall L. Rev. 391 (1997)
Date is approximate: Yes

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A Tribute to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor From an International Perspective

Elizabeth F. Defeis*

Today, we are witnessing momentous upheavals all over the globe. Social, political and economic structures are questioned and rejected as nations struggle to replace discredited, antidemocratic systems with sys tems predicated on the rule of law. In Latin America, Africa, and na tions of the former Soviet bloc, new constitutions are debated and adopted, human rights are capturing the imagination of people every where, free and fair elections are the norm to be attained and a culture of consitutionalism is now developing. 1 The United States Constitution, with more than 200 years of continual existence, is the oldest surviving written constitution. As a result, it is one of the leading models that other nations look to as they seek to form a democratic society consonant with their own traditions and values.

This historic moment has attracted the attention and commitment of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Indeed, she has championed the essential elements of a democratic society endorsed by the international community and has become an eloquent spokesperson for, and teacher of, democratic values throughout the world. Justice O’Connor serves as an executive board member of the Central and East European Law Initiative of the American Bar Association (CEE Ll).2 One of CEELI’s goals is to foster a commitment to an economic and political culture that is based on the rule of law.3 The CEELI

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