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El Pasoan wins court nod: Judge’s El Paso family thrilled.

July 7, 1981


Type: Op ed
Author: Virginia Turner
Source: El Paso Herald-Post
Date is approximate: No

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“Excitement is the only word that explains how I feel,” said Mrs. John Kipp, of El Paso, cousin of Judge Sandra Day O’Connor. Judge O’Connor, . a native of El Paso, was recommended today for the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy by President Ronald Reagan. “IT’S WONDERFUL and I am so happy for Sandra,” Mrs. Kipp said. “It’s a Mrs. John Kipp milestone in history!” Mrs. Kipp and her father, Scott Wilkie, president of PB&S Inc., El Paso, have been tuned anxiously to the news for the past week. Judge O’Connor was born here, attended Radford School for Girls and was graduated from Austin High School. “I haven’t seen Sandra in some time,” Mrs. Kipp said. “She and her husband do quite a bit of traveling. They both took up skiing when he was stationed in Germany as a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. They go to various ski areas during the winter – Colorado California, Utah. ‘ “They also like to get up early in the morning and play tennis. “The O’Connors have three sons: Scott Hampton (named after my father), Brian, a student at Colorado College in Colorado and John Jay who is entering Stanford this fall. Scott is 23 and was graduated from Stanford last year with a degree in business administration. John Jay is involved in sky diving and I think Brian is too.” IN SPITE OF Judge O’Connor’s enjoyment of skiing, tennis and riding horseback, Mrs. Kipp said the judge really isn’t athletically inclined. “She likes water coloring,” Mrs. Kipp said. “I was closer to her sister, Mrs. Scott

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