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Sandra in Court’s Kitchen?

October 6, 1981


Type: Op ed
Author: Jim Miller
Source: Phoenix Central Sun
Collection: The Kauffman-Henry Collection
Date is approximate: No

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No sooner than Sandra Day O’Connor won confirmation by the Sena te than she said she plans to be ” ver y bus y, very fast ,” after she is sworn in later this week . Well, I should hope to kiss a cow. After nearly 200 years, this male bas – tion can use the services of a woman . Oh, I doubt the other eigh t Supreme Court justices will allow her to take part in any judical proceedings because , after all , she is a woman . Hut, idle hands are the Devil ‘s pla y”ma tc, and that ‘s an adage that has ~ell stood the test of time . So I would as sume that her offic e would include kitchen facilities , wher e ,’w could whip up some sn,1cks to ser ve at a cot1ee break for her deliberating eolh•..igUl’S fte r all , ju st ice travels on its stomach. as the saying goes. Justice O’Connor could also earn her money by dusting off the law books and performing other household chores around the court. And, I would strongly suggest Sandra take a course in shorthand so that she can take the minutes of the meetings , and read them back for corrections, additions, and deletions at the next meeting. Speaking of earn ing her mone y, I can only hope the y are not going to pay her as much as they do the male jus tices . A r ecent government survey showed that women , in general receive only 60 as much money as males for doing the same job. Tha t should not surpr ise an ybody, because that ‘s as it should be, and all men will dri nk to tha t. So, I propose Justice O’ Connor re cieve 60 percent of the

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