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Swearing-in today will be private

September 25, 1981


Type: Newspaper article
Collection: The Kauffman-Henry Collection
Date is approximate: No

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Th e sweari ng-in of Sandra Day O’Connor at 2 p.m. today will he one of the most private of public events , in keeping with the Supreme Court’ s mode of operati on. Scores of people telephonin g t he courl yesterd ay to find out l1ow they could watch the ceremony were told that they couldn ‘t . No ordinary memb er of the publi c will be admitted. Barret t McGum , Suprem e Court spokesman, said that the comtroom could accommodat e only VIPs , friend8 of the O’Con – nors and repmtet’S covering the event. ln addi tion, no television cameras, tap e recorders or photographe1s will he permitted in the Supr eme Court chambet for the historic event. ‘l’h e ban, McGum said , was simply an extension of the policy prohibiting audio and vistutl recmding of anything that goes on in tha t chamber. [Photo caption: The president with Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justice-designate Sandra O’Connor at White House reception yesterday]

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