Julia B. Shelton (Ambrose)
Clerked during Supreme Court term: 1995
Previous clerkship: "J. Harvie Wilkinson III", "United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit"
Notable later role: Partner, Brooks Pierce (Raleigh, NC)
Alma mater: Vanderbilt University Law School

Justice O'Connor wrote 14 opinions during Julia B. Shelton (Ambrose)'s clerkship:
Case Name | Topic | Date | Opinion Type |
44 Liquormart Inc. v. Rhode Island | First Amendment | May 13, 1996 | Concurrence |
Bailey v. United States | Criminal Procedure | December 6, 1995 | Majority |
Denver Area Ed. Telecommunications Consortium Inc. v. FCC | First Amendment | June 28, 1996 | Partial concurrence, partial dissent |
Commissioner v. Lundy | Federal Taxation | January 17, 1996 | Majority |
Holly Farms Corp. v. NLRB | Unions | April 23, 1996 | Partial concurrence, partial dissent |
Lane v. Peña | Economic Activity | June 20, 1996 | Majority |
Meghrig v. KFC Western Inc | Judicial Power | March 19, 1996 | Majority |
Medtronic Inc. v. Lohr | Federalism | June 26, 1996 | Partial concurrence, partial dissent |
Quackenbush v. Allstate Ins. Co | Judicial Power | June 3, 1996 | Majority |
Libretti v. United States | Criminal Procedure | November 7, 1995 | Majority |
Board of Comm’rs Wabaunsee Cty. v. Umbehr | First Amendment | June 28, 1996 | Majority |
Lewis v. United States | Criminal Procedure | June 24, 1996 | Majority |
Montana v. Egelhoff | Due Process | June 13, 1996 | Dissent |
Bush v. Vera | Civil Rights | June 13, 1996 | Majority |